I know Humanities Day sessions will be virtual this year due to COVID-19. But will the quality of presenters and sessions be the same? 

World-renowned faculty members from the Division of the Humanities at the University of Chicago are presenting their latest research at this year's Humanities Day. Since the sessions are virtual, you will not have as much direct interaction. However, we are adding live Q&A sessions to all of the Humanities Day presentations. 


How long has the University of Chicago Division of the Humanities been hosting Humanities Day?

We are celebrating our 40th Anniversary during Humanities Day 2020. While we began as a campus event through the years, Humanities Day opened up to the entire Chicago area community. As a virtual event this year, we hope to attract attendees from a wider geographic area. 


Will there be as many sessions?

We have limited the number of sessions to be held throughout the full day. None of this year's sessions are concurrent due to the virtual format. However, the number of registrants per session is much higher than is possible in a classroom setting.


I loved professor ___'s talk last year but she isn't listed on this year's schedule. Why?

The speakers and topics at Humanities Day change from year to year because of new research projects and the personal and professional schedules of each presenter. Individuals who spoke last year might be busy this fall, but look for them at a future Humanities Day!


Are there tickets for this event? 

You need to register online, but there are no tickets for Humanities Day presentations. 

What does it mean when registration for a presentation is closed?

Virtual presentations have a higher capacity, and our Zoom Webinar license accommodates up to 10,000 attendees. We will keep registration open until the last session for Humanities Day 2020 begins at 5 p.m. CDT on Saturday, October 17. After this year's Humanities Day ends, the presentations will be available on the Humanities Division YouTube channel.